
"Tell The Story" - Seth Godin speaks at Google

Seth Godin is the author of six bestsellers, including Permission Marketing, an Amazon Top 100 bestseller for a year and a Fortune Best Business Book. His newest book, All Marketers are Liars , has already made the Amazon Top 100 and has inspired its own blog. Seth is also a renowned speaker, and was recently chosen as one of "21 Speakers for the Next Century" by Successful Meetings Magazine and is consistently rated among the best speakers by the audiences he addresses. Seth was founder and CEO of Yoyodyne, an interactive direct marketing company, which Yahoo! acquired in late 1998. He holds an MBA from Stanford, is a contributing editor to Fast Company magazine, and was called "the Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information Age" by Business Week.

This video is part of the Authors@Google series.

Truth in Advertising

Great spoof of an advertising bureau

Urban Sensing, Social Networking, And The Third Thing

Google TechTalks
March 17, 2006

Jeff Burke
Dana Cuff
Deborah Estrin
Michael Hamilton
Mark Hansen
William Kaiser
Jerry Kang
Fabian Wagmister

Sensors and their data will dominate tomorrow's global network. Location-tagged images and sound, captured from mobile phones, will intersect with data from municipal monitoring of city infrastructure and embedded sensors placed by citizens. Social networking applications built on tagged media are already flourishing. Intrinsically data-centric features will soon come to networking, providing low-level capabilities to verify location, aggregate sources, control resolution and implement privacy policies, all for data that originates in the physical world. As it accumulates such features, the network is coming back around from an expansive virtuality to the richness of the physical world, tipping towards human-scale rhythms and their cultural implications. What new design approaches are needed as embedded sensing expands from its traditional domains in science, engineering and industry, and the network becomes data-centric, full of observations gathered from real people and physical places?

Google TechTalks
February 9, 2006

Michael Schwarz

Michael Schwarz served as an Assistant Professor at Harvard Economics Department after earning a Ph.D. from Stanford Graduate School of Business. He is a member of the National Bureau of Economics Research. Dr. Schwarz specializes in economic theory and industrial organization and applications of theory to business decision making and public policy.

We investigate the "generalized second price" auction (GSP), a new mechanism which is used by search engines to sell online advertising that most Internet users encounter daily. GSP is tailored to its unique environment, and neither the mechanism nor the environment have previously been studied in the mechanism design literature. Although GSP looks similar to the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism, its properties are very different. In particular, unlike the VCG mechanism, GSP generally does not have an equilibrium in dominant strategies, and truth-telling is not an equilibrium of GSP. To analyze the properties of GSP in a dynamic environment, we describe the generalized English auction that corresponds to the GSP and show that it has a unique equilibrium. This is an ex post equilibrium that results in the same payoffs to all players as the dominant strategy equilibrium of VCG.

The Paradox of Choice - Why More Is Less

Google TechTalks
April 27, 2006

Barry Schwartz

This lecture offers a great insight into why, despite commonly accepted belief, more options don't always lead to better results. --This lecture is definately worth watching for anyone intestered in psychology, design (graphic, web, industrial, etc.), or anyone involved in selling products or services. --Just wish they would have shown the comic strips in the slide presentation

Strike Up The Brand: How to Design for Branding

Google TechTalks
May 24, 2006

Jared Spool
Founding Principal, User Interface Engineering

Jared M. Spool is founder of User Interface Engineering, the largest usability research organization of it?s kind in the world. If you?ve ever seen Jared speak about usability, you know that he?s probably the most effective and knowledgeable communicator on the subject today. He?s been working in the field of usability and design since 1978, before the term "usability" was ever associated with computers.

What's the most effective way to strengthen a brand on the internet? Recent research shows that it isn't using traditional branding techniques. In fact, those tried-and-true methods can actually hurt your brand, if implemented poorly.

In this presentation, Jared Spool will discuss how User Interface Engineering's recent usability research has uncovered some fascinating truths about how people perceive brands on the internet.

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