E-Branding - Branding For The Web Age by Netica
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on štvrtok, júna 28, 2007 at 10:27 PM.

How is Xbox Marketed?
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on pondelok, júna 11, 2007 at 11:12 PM.

Speech by Jeff Bell, Vice President of Global Marketing at Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business
The Break-Up' is about the relationship between an advertiser and a consumer. They've agreed to meet in a restaurant. The man's feeling perfectly happy, until the woman makes a painful announcement: she wants a divorce. In the course of their conversation she makes it clear to him why she is leaving him. And he makes it very clear that he doesn't have an empathic bone in his body. At the end of the movie the woman walks away disappointed but determined. The advertiser stays behind alone. Go and have a look at http://bringtheloveback.com
Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions
Great presentation idea.
How to bridge the distance between business strategy and design.
By methodically approaching innovation, organizations and individuals can generate ideas, stimulate creativity, and ultimately unlock cool. The UNLOCKING COOL presentation is typically delivered as a keynote speach with the slides used as a reference for the discussion.
Watch Dick deliver a compelling and dynamic introduction on Identity 2.0 and how the concept of digital identity is evolving.
Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson's dark vision of blogging taken to the extreme -- has a sequel (or to be more precise, an updated, alternate version): EPIC 2005
Creative Commons Deed: www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc- sa/2.0/
TMIU/U Response from CoryTheRaven
Media philosopher Marshall McLuhan observed that “The Medium is the Message”. That is, the form of media is what changes consciousness irrespective of the content of that media.
Michael Wesch speculates that the accessibility of the internet both to add and receive content is leading to a massive paradigm shift in human thought and society.
The internet still follows the fundamental form of the written word and the motion picture: non-participatory reception of information.
The exact interface of scripting language is irrelevant… The internet is essentially a series of Guttenberg presses and Edison kinetoscopes connected by telegraph wire.
The accessibility of these devices to add content had only changed the scope of the content, not the basic form. Regardless of who made it, I’m still reading text and watching movies.
A semi-global library is a remarkable acchievement (Remember that most people in the world still don’t have net access).
But the real acchievement of the internet has been to SIMULATE participation. It has made non-participatory addition of responsive content more rapid… even instantaneous.
E-mail or a chat room, for instance, has infinitely sped up communication across distances… But it is still not a fully sensory, participatory conversation, and we’ve had to find ways to compensate for that…
This trajectory will eventually lead to virtual reality… Increasingly sophisticated pseudo-sensory simulations of the full sensory, participatory reality of which we are a part.
This is a movement towards making the non -participatory form imitate the participatory reality.
We’re trying to makle the printed word imitate what we already experience every day…
The natural interaction between us and the world.
World's most important 6-sec drum loop
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on sobota, apríla 07, 2007 at 4:22 PM.

Nate Harrison's 2004 video is a meditation on the ownership of culture, the nature of art and creativity, and the history of a remarkable music clip.
This fascinating, brilliant 20-minute video narrates the history of the "Amen Break," a six-second drum sample from the b-side of a chart-topping single from 1969. This sample was used extensively in early hiphop and sample-based music, and became the basis for drum-and-bass and jungle music -- a six-second clip that spawned several entire subcultures.
Keynote Address: Storytelling as Best Practice
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on nedeľa, marca 04, 2007 at 11:19 PM.

Lunch Session Keynote at Housing California's annual Spring Conference 2006 -- "Closer to Home." Andy Goodman (www.agoodmanonline.com) explains why storytelling is so vital to communications. Find out how you can use storytelling to accomplish your goals (and don't miss the end when Andy shares HIS favorite story!)
YouTube: From Concept to Hyper-growth
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on utorok, januára 02, 2007 at 10:15 AM.

Less than two years after launch, YouTube has become one the most-visited destinations on the web. With more than 100 million videos served daily, it may be the fastest-growing entertainment website in the history of the World Wide Web. Jawed Karim will explain the thought process and the events that led to the development of YouTube.Original high-quality WMV:http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/con...This talk was given on Oct 21st 2006 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ACM Conference.
Technology Management Program: Perception, Persuasion, and Communications
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on pondelok, decembra 11, 2006 at 3:33 PM.

As one of the nation?s most respected communications strategists, John Davies takes on a unique role as a CEO by investing his experience daily through hands-on analysis, strategy, and messaging. He leaves the day-to-day corporate operations of Southern California?s third largest public relations firm to professional managers, instead focusing his unique talent on the firm?s clients.He applies his lifelong study of human behavior and effective communications strategies to influence how to earn attention and gain influence in the complex information-saturated decision-making process today. As a political consultant, John Davies enjoyed a nearly 90% win ratio with more than 150 campaigns. Series: "Technology Management Program" [Public Affairs] [Business] |

Watch his panel about changing habits of young males, that are replacing traditional media such as TV or radio, with gaming and internet.
Speeches by Guy Kawasaki: The Art of the Start and The Art of Innovation
Majora Carter's speech at the TED Conference with Guy’s tags to highlight her techniques.
Audio: Garage’s venture capital panel
Here's a video edited by Mick Bianchi, appropriately entitled "YouTubers". It is utterly captivating, and speaks volumes to what's happening in the CGM2 (consumer-generated multi-media) space. The video is almost ten minutes long but worth the watch.
Transforming a 2D image into 3D
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on sobota, októbra 28, 2006 at 12:13 PM.

Researchers of Carnegie Mellon University has managed to teach a computer to recognize and transform 2D images into 3D. ...
E Ink - The Future of Advertising and Environmental communications
1 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on at 3:53 AM.

Student Project looking at how new screen technology "E-Ink" could be used to transform the London Underground communications and environment. Winner of a D&AD Best New Blood award. |
Tinker Hatfield Nike's Vice President of Innovation Design
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on pondelok, októbra 16, 2006 at 12:08 AM.

When architects Richard Rogers, Renzo Piano, and the firm Ove Arup created Centre Georges Pompidou in the Beaubourg region of Paris, the ultra modernistic building stirred up much controversies that lasted even till today, some 30 years after it opened. With all its inner workings (pipes, air ducts, wirings...) set on the exterior of the structure, Centre Georges Pompidou was an antithesis against the classical structures which surrounds it.
However, it was its unique design that inspired Tinker Hatfield, originally hired as in-house architect, now Nike's Vice President of Innovation Design, to create the very first Air Max. See how he tells the story in this 8-minute short film titled "Respect the Architects" by Thibaut de Longeville.
Ross Lovegrove on TEDTalks
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on sobota, októbra 14, 2006 at 6:58 PM.

Ross Lovegrove is an industrial designer, best known for his work on the Sony Walkman and Apple iMac. In this highly visual presentation, he presents his recent work -- from furniture to water bottles -- which is organic in form and inspired by nature. (Recorded February 2005 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 20:14)
In this edition of "Grey Matters," Aniruddh Patel, of the Neurosciences Institute, discusses what music can teach us about the brain, and what brain science, in turn, can reveal about music. Series: "Grey Matters" [Science]
Penn and Teller - Bottled Water Bullshit!
3 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on utorok, septembra 19, 2006 at 10:47 PM.

The craze of bottled water is a national obsession but tap water is usually safer for you, and often better tasting too. Using a hidden camera, Penn and Teller take a look at the obsession. How branding works.
"The Google Story" - David Vise speaks at Google
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on sobota, septembra 09, 2006 at 4:08 PM.

Not since Gutenberg invented the modern printing press more than 500 years ago, making books and scientific tomes affordable and widely available to the masses, has any new invention empowered individuals or transformed access to information as profoundly as Google. I first became aware of this while covering Google as a beat reporter for The Washington Post. What galvanized my deep interest in the company was its unconventional initial public offering in August 2004 when the firm thumbed its nose at Wall Street by doing the first and only multi-billion dollar IPO using computers, rather than Wall Street bankers, to allocate its hot shares of stock. A few months later, in the fall of 2004, I decided to write the first biography of Google, tracing its short history from the time founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page met at Stanford in 1995 until the present. In my view, this is the hottest business, media and technology success of our time, with a stock market value of $110 billion, more than the combined value of Disney, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Amazon.com, Ford and General Motors. This video is part of the Authors@Google series. |
Gigamon University - The Art of the Start
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on streda, augusta 30, 2006 at 11:27 PM.

Must see! Guy Kawasaki is the author of eight books including The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way. Guy is currently the Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm and a columnist for Forbes.com. Previously, he was an Apple Fellow and Chief Evangelist at Apple Computer where he was one of the few individuals responsible for the early success of the Macintosh computer. For more information on Mr. Kawasaki, please go to his personal website (http://www.guykawasaki.com). |
"Paradigm Found" - Anne Murray Speaks at Google
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on nedeľa, augusta 27, 2006 at 4:13 PM.

Millions of people are frustrated by the lack of innovation and accountability undertaken by the government and other organizations, but they don?t know where or how to begin making changes. Paradigm Found is a primer for creating or reshaping institutions and businesses to be run on principles often voiced but rarely followed: learning, equality, tolerance, consensus, empowerment, generosity, and hearing and acknowledging all voices. Providing examples from her own rich experience, Murray shows readers what one individual can do to implement change from within, and how to do it. She encourages others to take risks, start organizations, and judge when it is time, and how, to move on. Full of practical suggestions for giving life to values and engaging stories of what works and what doesn't, Paradigm Found demonstrates that it is possible to walk the talk, even when it isn?t easy.
This talk is part of the Authors@Google series.
Keynote speech by Digital futurist Mike Walsh to the graduating students of the Australian Film, Radio & Television School.
"The Search" - John Battelle speaks at Google NYC
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on nedeľa, augusta 06, 2006 at 4:07 PM.

John Battelle, co-founding editor of Wired and founder of The Industry Standard visits the Google New York office to speak about his book The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture (12/7/05).
This video is part of the Authors@Google series.
"Internet Tendency" - McSweeney's authors and editors talk at Google
0 Comments Published by Michal Pastier on at 3:23 PM.

Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency is an offshoot of Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, a journal created by nervous people in relative obscurity, and published four time a year. This talk is part of the Authors@Google series. |